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10 Christian Dating Apps & Sites for Faith-Based Connections

I know how important it is to find someone who shares your hobby, personality, and beliefs. Christian dating apps and sites have changed how people of faith meet and connect today. These websites allow Christian singles to meet others with similar beliefs and values. You won’t have to wonder how many dating app should you use anymore because we bring you many options

In this guide about Christian dating apps and sites, we’ll look closely at how they work, what they offer, and how they help people in the Christian community find meaningful relationships. Whether you’re a strong believer hoping to find someone who walks the same spiritual path or just curious about how faith plays a role in dating, I will give you helpful tips for navigating the world of Christian dating online. Our collection of romantic gifts for couples will definitely surprise you

Why Should You Use Christian Dating Apps & Sites?

Christian dating apps and sites are made just for Christians. They’re designed to match people who share the same beliefs and values. Finding someone who really gets your faith in today’s busy world can be hard. But these apps make it easier by connecting you with others looking for meaningful relationships based on faith. If you’re hoping to meet someone who goes to church regularly or someone who shares your love for prayer and spiritual growth, these platforms help you find the right match.

Using Christian dating apps is like joining a supportive community. You interact with people who understand your faith journey and can offer encouragement and advice. This sense of belonging is especially helpful if you’ve ever felt alone or misunderstood in your dating life because of your Christian beliefs. By joining one of these apps, you become part of a bigger group of people going through similar experiences, making it easier to connect with others who share your values and goals for love.

Plus, Christian dating apps prioritize safety. They have strict rules and checks to make sure everyone behaves respectfully. This means you can feel confident and secure while chatting with potential matches. Whether you’re new to online dating or have been at it for a while, knowing that these apps have your back can give you peace of mind as you explore connections with other singles who share your Christian faith.

Top 10 Christian Dating Apps & Sites With Detail Review

Higher Bond 

Higher Bond

So, if you’re a Christian looking for love, you might want to check out Higher Bond. It’s a dating app for folks like us who want to find someone who shares our faith. What’s neat about it is that it zeroes in on what’s important to Christian singles. It’s got features designed especially for us, like a matching system based on faith, spaces in your profile where you can talk about your beliefs, and even a spot to share your story.

Pros and Cons: Here’s the scoop: Higher Bond is still pretty new on the block. Because of that, there aren’t as many people using it compared to some of the bigger apps out there. It’s growing fast and getting a lot of buzz, which is promising. Even though it’s small, there are still thousands of members, so you’ve got a good shot at finding someone you click with. So, if you’re looking for a dating app about faith and values, it might be worth giving Higher Bond a shot.

Target Audience: As for who it’s for, well, Higher Bond doesn’t get into specifics about ages or denominations. It’s basically for any Christian who’s looking to connect with others in a meaningful way. So, if that sounds like you, it could be worth checking out!

Christian Mingle 

Christian Mingle 

Christian Mingle is a popular Christian dating app that many people know about. It’s been around for over twenty years, and has a huge number of users, over 15 million!

Pros and Cons: The app is mainly for Christian dating but doesn’t focus much on faith-related features. You can find matches based on their denomination, and everyone using the app is interested in Christian dating. However, it doesn’t dive deep into faith topics, which might be better for those who aren’t serious about their beliefs. There’s even an option to find “Friends/Activity Partners,” which sounds more laid-back.

Even though it doesn’t delve deeply into faith matters, since many people use it, you’ll probably meet some cool folks with different levels of commitment to their faith. Another cool thing is that Christian Mingle used to have many useful articles about Christianity on their “Believe by Christian Mingle” platform, although they haven’t posted anything new since 2019.

Target Audience: Christian Mingle is for Christian singles who want to connect with others who share their faith. It has many users, so you’ll find people from all walks of Christian life. While it might suit those more laid-back about their faith, anyone looking for Christian companionship can try it.



Eharmony is a popular dating site for Christian singles who want serious relationships. It’s known for its detailed questionnaire that asks about many parts of your life, including your faith. This helps match you with people who share your beliefs and values. With over 10 million users, eharmony’s smart matching system ensures you find compatible matches.

Pros and Cons: Eharmony is great if you’re looking for a long-term relationship like marriage. Their detailed personality filtering system ensures you find someone who fits you well. Plus, Eharmony has a team that always works to keep users safe. However, you must commit to at least six months to get the best features, which might not be for everyone. Also, you can’t search for matches yourself, which means you have less control over who you talk to.

Target Audience: Eharmony is for Christian singles aged 24 to 44 who want meaningful, long-term relationships. It’s best for people who care about finding someone who shares their faith and values. If you’re looking for a partner for marriage or something serious, Eharmony could be a good fit for you.



Zoosk is an online dating service that’s great for Christians under 40. It offers both free and paid memberships. While it doesn’t have a special filter for faith, you can talk about your beliefs in your profile. You can also find other Christians who are serious about their faith. Plus, Zoosk gives you stats about your profile and activity to help you find the right match.


One good thing about Zoosk is that it has users from all over the world, so you have lots of options. It’s especially good for younger Christians, like Millennials and Gen Z folks. Zoosk also gives you helpful feedback about your profile so you can make it better.


One downside is that Zoosk doesn’t let you video chat, which might be a bummer if you like to talk face-to-face. Also, you can’t search for matches by how far away they are, which could be annoying if you’re looking for someone nearby. It might take a while for Zoosk to find matches that fit your needs.

Target Audience:

Zoosk is for Christian singles under 40 who want to find meaningful relationships. It doesn’t focus on any specific Christian group, but it’s good for anyone wanting to meet other Christians and discuss faith. It’s especially popular with younger Christians seeking someone special to share their life with.



OurTime is a dating website for people over 50 who want to find partners who share their beliefs and values. It’s not just for religious folks but also a good place for seniors who want to meet others with similar faith. Many users in the US over 50 are Christian, so it’s a nice place for religious seniors to look for love.


One cool thing about OurTime is that you can send virtual “gifts” to show someone you’re interested. You can also share your beliefs through video or audio messages, which helps you connect more deeply with potential matches. OurTime organizes events like game nights and speed dating, so you can meet people in person, too.


A bad thing about OurTime is that you can’t search for matches by their proximity. Also, there’s no process to ensure new users are who they say they are, which might make some people uneasy.

Target Audience:

OurTime is for people aged 50 and up who want to find partners who share their beliefs and values. It’s not just for one specific religion, but it’s good for religious seniors who are looking for love. With its focus on online and offline connections, OurTime is a nice option for older adults who want to build meaningful relationships.

Christiancafecom doesn’t have a free version, but you can start with a monthly premium membership for $44.97. It has a good-sized group of over 100,000 active members. They regularly remove old profiles, so you’re more likely to find people interested in making connections.


One cool thing about is that they offer a seven-day free trial. And if you upload a photo, they’ll extend it for three more days. This lets you see what it’s like to have a premium membership before you decide. Also, they have a filter that lets you choose your faith level, which helps you find people who share your beliefs.


While is a nice place to make connections, it doesn’t have as many users as other sites. Also, if you need help, you can only contact customer service by email, which might not be as fast as talking to someone on the phone.

Target Audience: is for people aged 25 to 44 who want to find connections based on their faith. They have a filter that lets you choose how important your faith is to you so you can match with people who feel the same. It’s a good option if you want meaningful relationships with people who share your beliefs.



EliteSingles offers a free version, but you’ll need to pay around $57.95 each month if you want more. It’s for folks between 33 and 50 who want to find someone who shares their faith. They have a special filter just for that. Plus, they focus on matching up professionals, so if you’re serious about your career and your faith, this could be a good fit.


One cool thing about EliteSingles is that they give you a detailed personality test to help match you with other career-focused Christians. They also give tips on improving your profile, which is helpful. And if you need help, their customer service quickly responds.


One downside is that you don’t get to pick your matches yourself. Also, EliteSingles is the most expensive option out there, so it might not be for everyone.

Target Audience:

EliteSingles is for professionals aged 33 to 50 who want to find someone who shares their faith and values. If you’re serious about your career and want to find a partner who feels the same, this could be a good place to look. Just remember that it’s a bit pricey compared to other options.



Crosspaths is this cool Christian dating app mostly used by folks from the US, but you’ll also find members from the UK, Canada, France, Israel, Russia, and Australia. Besides helping you find Christian matches for dating, it sets up sponsored events and get-togethers where you can meet people in person. And guess what? It’s all free to use, which is pretty awesome!


One great thing about Crosspaths is that it’s got a big reach, connecting you with Christians from all over. Plus, those sponsored events allow you to meet folks face-to-face, which can be nice. 


But just like anything else, there might be some downsides, like finding matches in a smaller area could be tough. Still, it’s worth giving it a shot since it doesn’t cost anything.

Target Audience:

Crosspaths is perfect for Christian singles who want to meet others for dating. It’s got users from different countries, but it’s especially popular in the US. And those sponsored events? They’re great for folks who want to meet potential real-life partners. Since it’s free, anyone in the Christian community, regardless of age or denomination, can try it.



BlackPeopleMeet has a free version, but if you want more perks, you can get a monthly premium membership starting at $16.75. It’s made for folks aged 25 to 44 who want to meet others with a similar cultural background. While it doesn’t specifically filter by faith, you’ll likely find fellow Christians since many Black Americans are Christians.


Signing up is easy on BlackPeopleMeet, and you can even boost your profile to get more attention. They also have a neat feature called “Notify Me” that lets you know when your matches are online, which is handy for real-time chats.


The matchmaking isn’t super fancy, so it might not be as accurate. Plus, if you’re using the free version, you might not have as many ways to talk to your matches.

Target Audience:

BlackPeopleMeet is for people aged 25 to 44, especially Black and possibly Christian. With many Black Americans identifying as Christian, you’ll probably find someone who shares your faith. Just remember that it might not have all the fancy features of other dating apps.

Upward Christian Dating

Upward Christian Dating

Upward lets you use it for free, but you can pay about $14.99 a month if you want extra stuff. It’s made for younger Christians aged 18 to 35 looking for love. When you sign up, you can say how much religion means to you by picking your denomination, like Pentecostal or Baptist.


One cool thing about Upward is that it has sermons from pastors to help Christian singles find love in a way that’s right with God. The app lets you swipe through Christians near you, and if you swipe someone away by mistake, you can undo it with the “Rewind” button.


Sadly, Upward doesn’t have a version you can use on your computer, so you must use it on your phone. Also, there aren’t as many people on Upward as other dating apps, so you might not find as many matches.

Target Audience:

Upward is for younger Christians aged 18 to 35 who want to find love while keeping their faith in mind. With its faith-based filter and sermons from pastors, it’s great for people who want relationships that are about more than just looks. But if you’re looking for many options, you might have better luck elsewhere.

How to Choose the Right Christian Dating App or Site

Choosing the right Christian dating app or site is like finding the perfect match for your heart. 

But among the dozens of apps I’ve listed above, how do you choose the best option?

Here’s how to do it:

  • Know What You Want: Take a moment to consider what you’re looking for. Are you hoping for something serious, or do you just want to meet new people? Do you have a specific type of person in mind, like someone from a particular church or age group? Knowing what you are looking for will help you narrow down your options.
  • Look Around: There are tons of Christian dating apps, each with its vibe and features. Take a peek at a few different ones to see which feels like home to you. Check out their profiles, see how they match people up, and read what others say about them.
  • Find Your Favorites: Once you’ve scoped out a few options, consider what matters most to you in a dating app. Do you want one with many fancy features, or are you more interested in a simple setup? Maybe you’re all about safety and security or want a place with many active users. Find the ones that check off your boxes.
  • Stay Safe: When you’re looking for love online, it’s important to stay safe. Stick to apps with good security measures, like profile verification and moderation. And remember, if something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and move on.
  • Give it a Try: Once you’ve found a few apps you like, give them a whirl! Most offer free trials or basic memberships, so you can test them before committing. See how you like the vibe, chat with some people, and see if any sparks fly.

Christian Dating Apps FAQs

Christian dating apps only for super religious people?

Not at all! Christian dating apps welcome people of all levels of faith. Whether you’re deeply devoted or just starting to explore your spirituality, there’s a place for you. These apps are about connecting with others who share your beliefs and values, regardless of your religion.

Can I find true love on a Christian dating app?

Absolutely! Many people have found love and meaningful relationships through Christian dating apps. Like any other dating platform, it’s all about putting yourself out there, being open to new connections, and staying true to yourself. Who knows? Your perfect match could be just a swipe away.

What if I don’t know which denomination I belong to?

That’s okay! Christian dating apps often have options for describing your beliefs and level of involvement in your faith journey. You don’t need all the answers about your denomination to start using these apps. Just be honest about where you’re at, and you’ll find people who appreciate your authenticity.

Are Christian dating apps safe to use?

Generally, yes. Most Christian dating apps prioritize safety and security, including profile verification and moderation. Of course, it’s always important to use caution when meeting new people online. Trust your instincts, take your time getting to know someone, and meet in a public place when you’re ready.

Read More:

Final Words From Loveable,

Christian dating apps and sites create a safe space for Christians to connect with others who share their beliefs and values. Whether looking for love, friendship, or just to meet new people, these platforms offer features to help you find what you want. By combining technology with faith-based principles, these apps empower users to build meaningful relationships in today’s digital world.

Luna Miller

I’m Luna Miller, a helpful employee at Loveable. I excel at giving great advice on birthday gifts. I love suggesting memorable experiences like concerts, spas, and getaways. As a reliable and supportive colleague, I’m always there to assist.

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