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20 Eco-Friendly Easter Ideas For An Environmentally Friendly Holiday

Easter celebrates new beginnings and joy, making it the perfect time to consider how we can treat our planet better. This guide offers simple, eco-friendly tips to make your Easter celebrations shine without harming the environment. We’ll show you how to dye your eggs with natural colors, enjoy delicious food that benefits the Earth, and choose gifts that reduce waste. We’ve also got great ideas for decorations that are kind to the planet.

Let’s explore how we can turn this Easter into a fun holiday and an opportunity to positively impact our world!

Why You Should Have An Eco-Friendly Easter Celebration 

Having an eco-friendly Easter celebration is a great way to enjoy the holiday while also taking care of our planet. Think about it – Easter is all about new life and fresh starts, right? So, what better time to try out some green habits that help the Earth? It’s like hitting two birds with one stone: you get to have fun and feel good knowing you’re doing something positive for the environment.

Simple changes can make a big difference. For example, using natural dyes to color your Easter eggs or opting for homemade decorations instead of buying new ones can reduce waste. And for Easter baskets, filling them with locally made treats or eco-friendly toys shows your family and friends that you care about them and the planet. These small steps towards a more sustainable celebration can inspire others to think about their impact on the Earth. So, let’s start new traditions that could help our planet feel a little more loved and a little healthier!

Top 20 Best Eco-Friendly Easter Ideas 

Plant Pot Gift 

Plant Pot Gift 

We can never talk about being eco-friendly without talking about plants. Giving someone a potted plant or herbs for Easter is a really sweet and earth-friendly idea. These plant pots will still retain their freshness even when Easter ends. They make any place look prettier and bring the happiness of watching something grow. 

Pick plants, small trees, or herbs that are easy to look after or use in cooking. This gift is both useful and good for the planet. This way, you’re not just giving a gift for now but something that keeps growing and brings joy for a long time.

Shop your favourite plant pot at Loveable

Make Your Earth-Friendly Easter Decorations And Gifts

Easter Decorations And Gifts

Make special Easter gifts and snacks instead of plastic eggs, candy wrapped in foil, and toys. Adding a personal, homemade touch to your eco-friendly Easter basket will make your friends and family happy.

For instance, DIY seed balls, homemade chocolate eggs, and paper lilies are great presents for anyone who loves gardening and wants to help the environment. These gifts can also help more bees and butterflies visit by spreading their favorite plants.

Check out best personalized Easter gifts

Wear Environmental Friendly Clothes 

Seeing your kids dressed up for Easter is one of those moments that just makes you feel fuzzy. This year, though, you’ve got to do something cool with their outfits. Think about picking clothes for their Easter photos that are also good for the planet. 

You could look for clothes made from organic stuff, which is better for the earth. Or, how about a little adventure to some second-hand shops? You can find some awesome, gently loved clothes there without spending much, and you won’t be adding to the waste pile. A small change means you’re not just capturing a sweet moment but also doing something good for the planet.

Make DIY Paper Card

Making your Easter baskets out of old fabric or clothes is a creative and eco-friendly project that gives a new purpose to things you might throw away. Start by choosing sturdy fabrics like denim or canvas for the basket’s base to ensure it holds well. You can cut strips of fabric and weave them together or simply sew the fabric into a basket shape, adding a handle if you like. A useful trick is to use an old bowl or box as a mold to help shape your basket as you work. 

Eco-Friendly Easter Decorations And Crafts

Easter Decorations And Crafts

Make this Easter special by choosing decorations and crafts that benefit the Earth. You can make cool decorations with natural things like sticks, leaves, and rocks. Color eggs with dyes made from foods like beets or turmeric to keep them safe and colorful. Use old clothes or paper to make fun banners and circles, and get kids to help by making bunny and egg shapes from stuff you’re recycling. 

Adding small plants to your decoration can make everything look fresh, and your friends can take them home to grow, which means less trash. By picking these fun and earth-friendly ideas, you make your Easter look great and help the planet.

Green Dishes 

Green Dishes 

Creating an Easter meal bowl from green leaves is an inventive and eco-friendly way to present your holiday dishes. Start by selecting large, sturdy leaves like cabbage or banana leaves, which are natural and compostable and add a beautiful, organic touch to your table setting. Layer several leaves over a bowl or dish you already have to shape your leaf bowl, using the existing shape as a guide. You can secure the leaves with toothpicks or small stitches made from natural twine to keep them in place. Making natural dishes minimizes waste and enhances the aesthetic of your Easter meal with a splash of natural color. 

Turn Your Easter Eggshells Into Compost

Easter Eggshells Into Compost

After your Easter egg hunt, ensure you throw away the eggs in a way that’s good for the Earth. You might wonder, can Easter eggs break down naturally? The answer is yes! Eggshells and the stuff inside them are great for adding to your compost bin because they have stuff plants love. 

If you have a garden, you can crush the eggshells and put them directly in the soil. But, if you colored your eggs with regular dyes or food coloring, don’t put them in your compost or garden because the chemicals in the dye aren’t good for the soil. 

Give Eco-Friendly Easter Gifts Without Wrapping

This Easter, why not try giving gifts that don’t need wrapping? You can keep it simple and eco-friendly by picking presents that look great just the way they are or using baskets that can be part of the gift. 

This way, you reduce waste and make your Easter a bit greener. It’s an easy switch that makes a big difference, showing your loved ones that you also care about them and the planet. It’s one less thing to worry about, making your Easter celebrations more fun and less about fuss.

Environmentally Friendly Easter Treats

Friendly Easter Treats

For a green Easter idea, think about giving out good Easter treats for the environment. You can choose snacks that don’t harm the planet, like organic candies or chocolates that are made in a fair way, where the people making them are treated well and paid fairly. This way, you can enjoy all the yummy parts of Easter and feel good knowing you’re helping the Earth and supporting good practices.

Ideas For Easter Baskets Made From Reused Materials

Ideas For Easter Baskets Made From Reused Materials

People usually spend around $170 for Easter basket, but you don’t have to spend so much, especially on new plastic baskets. Try looking in thrift shops for unique and cheaper options that also help reduce waste. For the basket’s filling, use things you already have at home, like pots, umbrellas, rain boots, buckets, or even old plastic bottles to make. And for decorations, you can use empty toilet paper rolls to make cute Easter Bunny decorations or stands for your eggs. 

Natural Dye 

Natural Dye 

The dyes you buy from the store contain chemicals that can hurt rivers and lakes. Instead, you can make safe dyes with kitchen things like veggies, spices, and fruits.

Just boil a big cup of water with some white vinegar. Let it simmer with your dyestuff for half an hour. After it cools down, strain it and let your dye sit for another half an hour.

If you use red cabbage, you’ll get a bright blue color. Red onions turn things a cool green, grape juice makes a lovely lavender, and paprika gives you a pinkish-red. For bright yellow and pink, try turmeric and beetroot powder. Just remember to wear gloves because they can color your hands, too!

Have A Green Easter Egg Hunt!

Egg hunts are a big hit for kids and their parents during Easter. This year, why not make the hunt better for the planet and just as exciting by skipping the plastic eggs and the real ones that nobody eats? Instead, think about hiding small wooden toys. These toys last a long time and can become special keepsakes. 

Making cloth bags is easy. Cut some cloth into rectangles, sew up three sides, and put a drawstring at the top. You can decorate them with fabric paint or markers, draw Easter pictures, or write the kids’ names.

When picking out wooden toys, find things that the kids will love. It could be anything from animal figures to tiny cars. 

Prepare “Green” Food For Easter With Egg

Food For Easter With Egg

Sometimes, you might have too many to eat after dyeing all those Easter eggs.

Eating hard-boiled eggs every day can get boring pretty fast. Instead of tossing these eggs into the bin or compost pile, consider using them in different recipes.

You’d be surprised at how many fun and tasty ways to use up those extra hard-boiled eggs, and it’s not all about making egg salad sandwiches. Here are a few ideas:

  • Chop them into a salad: Add some crunch and protein to your greens.
  • Make deviled eggs: These are always a hit at parties and can be spiced up in many ways.
  • Slice them for sandwiches: Not just egg salad, but as a topping on avocado or turkey sandwiches.
  • Create a breakfast burrito: Mix them with your favorite fillings like cheese, beans, and salsa.
  • Add them to potato salad, making this classic dish even more filling.
  • Try making Scotch eggs: For something different, wrap them in sausage meat, then breadcrumb and bake or fry.

Easter Eggs You Can Fill Yourself

Dyeing and decorating real eggs is a fun Easter activity, but those eggs don’t last long before they start to spoil. Have you ever considered how many decorated eggs are in the trash each Easter? Avoiding plastic and reusable options is better if you’re looking for the most earth-friendly Easter eggs.

Why not try wooden eggs? They’re great for the environment and perfect for kids to get creative. You can paint them, add some sparkle, or even use stamps, just like you would with a real egg. You won’t have to worry about bad smells if you miss finding a few during the hunt. You can easily give them a new look next year by painting or decorating them in a new style.

Eco-Friendly Easter Activities

Eco Friendly Easter Activities

Easter baskets filled with chocolates, candies, and toys have been a classic gift for a long time. But instead of just giving more stuff this Easter, why not give experiences that can create lasting memories and are better for the planet?

How about planning a visit to a nearby farm to check out the baby animals, taking a family cooking class with fresh, local ingredients, or going for a walk in the park to watch nature waking up and changing colors? These are fun Easter activities to spend time together and enjoy the season without adding to the pile of things we already have.

How Do Easter Eggs Affect The Environment?

Easter eggs, both the chocolate variety and the hard-boiled and dyed kind, have various environmental impacts. 

#Fact You May Not Know 

The production and disposal of Easter eggs can contribute to environmental issues. Concerns begin with cocoa farming practices for chocolate eggs, sometimes leading to deforestation and habitat destruction. The packaging of chocolate Easter eggs, often made from plastic and foil, adds to waste and pollution problems as these materials are not always recycled properly. Using water and chemical dyes can also impact dyed hard-boiled eggs, including water waste and potential contamination from synthetic dyes.

According to the National Confectioners Association, Easter ranks as the second top-selling confectionery holiday in the nation, with sales in the U.S. often exceeding $2 billion. This high demand inevitably leads to significant waste, particularly from packaging. A study by Wrap, a UK-based sustainability charity, found that Easter eggs generate around 3,000 tonnes of U.K. packaging waste yearly. This statistic highlights the scale of the issue and underscores the need for more eco-friendly Easter celebrations.


I believe that while Easter eggs are a beloved tradition, it’s important for consumers and producers alike to seek more sustainable practices. This could include choosing Easter eggs that are made with sustainably sourced cocoa, using minimal and recyclable packaging, or opting for natural dyes for hard-boiled eggs. We can still enjoy this festive tradition while reducing our environmental footprint by making these choices.

Eco-Friendly Easter Ideas FAQs

Can I still have colorful Easter eggs without using chemical dyes?

Yes, you totally can! You can make your natural dyes using food. Purple cabbage, turmeric, and beetroot can give your eggs beautiful colors. Just boil them in water with a little vinegar to set the color, and you’re ready to dye your eggs safely and naturally.

What can I use to decorate besides buying new stuff?

Look around your house and nature! Old jars can hold flowers or become lanterns. Use leaves, sticks, and stones to make unique decorations. You can also cut up old magazines or fabric to make colorful decorations. It’s all about being creative with what you already have.

How can I make Easter baskets eco-friendly?

Instead of buying new plastic baskets, why not make your own? Use old boxes or baskets and decorate them with natural materials or leftover fabric. Instead of buying plastic grass, you can also fill the baskets with natural grass or shredded paper.

Any ideas for eco-friendly Easter gifts?

Think of gifts that can grow or be used up without leaving waste. Seed packets, homemade treats, or DIY craft kits can be fun and don’t hurt the planet. Even better if you can package them in something reusable, like a small cloth bag or a handmade box.

Can we do an Easter egg hunt in an eco-friendly way?

Absolutely! Use real eggs instead of plastic ones for the hunt. If you want to hide treats, look for small paper bags or make pouches from old fabric to hold them. This way, you can avoid plastic waste and have lots of fun.

What’s a good way to teach kids about being eco-friendly this Easter?

Get them involved in making decorations and gifts! When kids make things with their own hands, using natural or recycled materials, they learn about reusing and recycling in a fun way. Talk to them about why caring for the Earth is important while crafting and hunting for eggs. It’s a great chance to share something valuable and spend quality time together.

Final Words From Loveable

Making Easter more eco-friendly is not just about having a good time; it’s also about taking care of our planet. When we choose to use natural stuff for egg coloring, recycle things for decorations, and pick gifts that don’t harm the earth, we’re doing our part to help the environment. It’s also a great chance to teach kids and everyone around us how important it is to be kind to the Earth. These small steps can make a big difference. So, let’s try to make this Easter special for us and the planet.