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34 Best First Date Ideas To Impress and Enjoy a Memorable Start

Going on a first date can be exciting but also a bit nerve-wracking. It’s that first step towards maybe something big, and making a good impression matters a lot. What you decide to do on that date can set the mood. You’re maybe looking to break the ice, get to know someone better, or just have a fun time; picking the right idea for your first date is super important. 

In this article, I will show you a bunch of first-date ideas that suit all kinds of interests and situations. From classic dinners to outdoor adventures or just hanging out in a chill spot, we have many suggestions to help you impress your date and make your time together awesome. Let’s check out these ideas and find the perfect plan for a first date that could start something great.

34 Hot Trend First Date Ideas to Try with Your Partner In 2024

Take Shelter Dogs for a Walk.

Take Shelter Dogs for a Walk

If one of you is allergic to dogs, then this won’t work. But, taking dogs from a shelter for a walk is a fun way to learn about each other, do something nice, and see how the person you’re with acts around a cute dog. Dogs are good at sensing who’s nice, so think of it as a fun way to see if the person is a good fit!

Related: Gifts For Dog Lovers

Get Each Other a Personalized Gift 

A fun idea for a first date is to give each other personalized gifts. Before you meet, think about what the other person likes or is interested in, and find a gift that matches that. It could be a simple thing like a book from an author they love, a piece of jewelry made just for them, or a playlist of songs you think they’d like. This is a cool way to break the ice, show you’ve been paying attention, and make the date special. It’s a sweet way to kick things off and make your first meeting really memorable.

If you’re still unsure about what gift to pick, check out the Loveable store. We have all sorts of unique and meaningful gifts perfect for a first date!

Go Hiking 

Go Hiking 

If both of you love being outdoors, then going for a hike could be a fun first-date idea for teens. Seriously! Being out in nature and climbing up a mountain (or even just some hills) will not only make you feel happy because of all the endorphins, but you’ll also feel proud and satisfied when you’re done. And those are awesome feelings to share with each other.

Play Bowling 

Play Bowling 

No matter if you’re great at bowling or just starting, bowling alleys are a blast with their snacks and the excitement of getting a strike. You can use bumper guards to keep it light and fun or challenge each other to a serious game. Just remember to be kind if one of you is way better!

Act Like a Tourist in Your Own City.

When’s the last time you checked out the spots everyone wants to see when they come to town? Probably not since you last had visitors, right? Why not spend an afternoon or evening exploring your local landmarks or must-see spots as if you’re seeing them for the first time?

Have a Trivia Night 

Have a Trivia Night 

Instead of grabbing drinks, why not meet at a bar or restaurant for a trivia night? It’s a fun way to ramp up the connection. You might find out you both love the same things while you show off your knowledge about stuff like sports, movies, and pop culture. Working together as a team gives you a little peek into what being in a relationship might be like.

Related: Date Night Ideas

Throw a Mini Party 

Why not host a fun party just for you two? Get some cheap decorations, hang lights, whip up drinks that fit the theme, and choose something fun like a kids’ party, a tropical luau, or a ’90s night. You could also get creative and come up with your .0theme. If you’re up for having friends join, turn it into a double date. Otherwise, enjoy this special party just for the two of you.

Visit the Farmers Market

Visit the Farmers Market

Going to the farmers market is a chill way to have a first date. It’s laid-back and in a public setting, making it less stressful while still being enjoyable. A fun idea is to pick out a fruit or veggie you’ve never tried before and taste it together when the date’s over. It’s especially great in spring with all the fresh local produce around.

Watch a Sports Game

Are you guys both fans of the Pats? Or maybe you love hockey? Catching a game together, whether it’s football or hockey, could be super fun. Megan Fleming, a psychologist and sex therapist working with Promescent, a company that makes products to improve your sex life, says that doing something you both enjoy is a great way to have a good time and make some awesome memories. She believes these dates are perfect for seeing each other happy and excited, and they help you get closer.

Go Fruit Picking

Go Fruit Picking

If it’s not winter, you can probably find a nearby farm to walk around and pick fruits like berries, apples, or pumpkins. It’s a fun way to spend time together, chatting and choosing the best fruits, then relaxing with a cup of cider afterward. If the date’s going great, you might even take your finds home and bake a pie as a delicious end to your day.

Try Food Truck 

Skip the fancy restaurant and grab some casual food from a nearby food truck for your next first date. It’s usually cheaper than a high-end place, and the relaxed setting can make you feel more comfortable. The best part? You won’t have to worry about flagging down a waiter or waiting around for the bill, so you can spend all your time chatting and getting to know each other better.

Look for a Carnival

Look for a Carnival

Go for a nostalgic vibe by heading to a carnival. It might sound a bit overdone, but there’s fun in the cliché. Share some cotton candy, try winning a prize for each other, and maybe brave a roller coaster. It’s a playful way to learn about each other and share childhood stories. 


If you’re in a place where the night sky is clear and not ruined by city lights, why not pack some snacks and a blanket for a picnic under the stars, a simple low-key first date idea? And if you have a telescope, bring it along to get a closer look. Stuck in a big city where you can’t see the stars? No worries. You can still enjoy the sky by visiting a planetarium.

Riding Bike 

Riding Bike 

Riding a bike is often seen in movies as a romantic way to catch someone’s eye, with the charming image of you cycling with a basket and the breeze in your hair. Or, if you love biking, you could go on an adventure to a quaint village, enjoying a scenic ride together and stopping for a drink.

Skydiving, Ready for an Active First Date Idea 


For a date that feels like something from a reality TV show, impress your adventure-loving partner with something super exciting. Depending on where you are, you could go skydiving or maybe even bungee jumping instead. It’s a surefire way to make your first date unforgettable. It’s extra fun if you’re both trying to conquer a fear of heights together.

Cooking Together

Cooking Together

Having a date over for dinner you cook might sound great until you think about all the time you’ll spend cooking and the awkward moments waiting to see if they like your food. Instead, why not cook a meal together? It’s a fun and cozy way to spend time, keeping you both involved from start to finish. Cooking together at home is a great, cheap idea for a first date. You won’t even have to stress about booking a spot at an expensive restaurant.

Visit a Museum

Museums are great because you’ll never run out of things to talk about – perfect for avoiding those awkward silences! Try finding a museum neither of you has visited before. There are plenty of unique and interesting museums out there. Or, you could ask them to take you to their favorite museum. As they guide you through exhibits on art, science, or natural history, you’ll learn much about what they’re passionate about and how they see the world.

Go to The Aquarium

Go to The Aquarium

Aquariums are such a good place for a first date. Imagine walking together, watching sharks swim overhead, chilling in the mesmerizing jellyfish area, and maybe even holding hands near the touch tank if you’re up for it. It’s a cool idea to stay indoors during the summer.

See a Cheap or Free Performance 

Local parks, street markets, and outdoor festivals often offer free shows that they announce in advance. You can pick up some food or a drink and find a place to enjoy a new band, listen to poetry, or watch a play that hasn’t been published yet. It’s a free way to add some culture to your date and see what’s happening around your city. To keep up with all the cool and unexpected events, sign up for a newsletter that covers your local area.

Go to The Bar or Pub 

Go to The Bar or Pub 

Meeting for a drink is the classic first Tinder date move, but why not spice it up a bit? Skip the regular pub and head to a themed bar instead. Whether it’s tiki or speakeasy style, a quirky bar has a fun vibe, and you’ll find loads to talk about while trying out some of the more unusual drinks they offer.

Go To The Pool (Summer Time)

When it’s warm, think about chilling on a rooftop with some water to splash in, or in colder months, maybe a hot tub or public pool can be a fun winter first date idea. Hanging by the pool is super laid-back, but jumping in together? That could add a bit of excitement. Just make sure your date is cool with the plan first.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt can make your first meeting exciting and fun. Print out a list of things you both need to take pictures of and see who can snap the best ones. It could be anything – the coolest billboard, a blue door, a park bench, someone walking their dog, a yellow car, an outdoor clock, a pothole, or even a police car. Really, anything goes. It’ll be so funny to look back at the pictures you both took. And don’t forget, there should be a little penalty for the loser.

Simple Date Idea at a Coffee Shop 

Date Idea at a Coffee Shop 

Alright, so it might not be the most out-of-the-box idea, but grabbing coffee together is actually a great choice for a first date. Like Fleming says, a coffee date has a built-in way to wrap things up. Once you’re done with your coffee, you can either call it a day or keep hanging out if you’re both having a good time. The main goal of a first date is just to see if you click with the other person and if you’d like to get to know them better.

Go to The Trampoline Park 

Sure, the idea of being seen bouncing around might not make you feel super confident at first, but jumping on a trampoline is fun. All over the US, parks are opening where you can play games on trampolines or just do some cool flips in the air. Being relaxed and able to laugh together is key to a great date, and trampolining offers a fun setting for that.

Take a Pottery Class

Take a Pottery Class

Remember that hot scene from “Ghost”? Why not try a pottery class with your date, as long as you’re both cool with getting your hands dirty? If it’s your first time at pottery, no stress! Terri Orbuch, a relationship expert and therapist who wrote “Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship,” says that trying something new together is a fantastic way to connect.

Try Horse Riding 

Try Horse Riding 

If you and your date are up for something a bit more exciting, how about horseback riding? Maryanne Comaroto, a relationship coach from Marin County, California, is all for outdoor first dates. She says, “I usually suggest going outside or doing an activity together. It’s a great way to see how each other acts in different situations.”

Go to See a Comedy Show 

Going to a comedy show or an improv act is a great idea for a first date. It’s fun to connect and find out if you both find the same things funny. Laughing together makes you feel more relaxed and opens the door for deeper chats later on. Since you won’t get many chances to talk during the show, it’s a good idea to take a drink or a bite to eat afterward. This way, you can talk about what parts of the show you liked and get to know each other better.

Play Escape Room

Play Escape Room

An escape room is perfect for letting your competitive side shine in a fun yet intense setting. You’ll team up to crack clues and get out before time’s up, which is a great way to see if you think alike. Escape rooms can be a bit expensive, so pick your partner wisely. You want someone who’ll enjoy the challenge and not panic about being in a locked room for an hour.

Enjoy Sweets Together 

Heading out for dinner on a first date might feel a bit overdone, but what about going out just for dessert? Now, that’s something else. If you love sweet stuff, why not go grab some frozen yogurt or another kind of dessert with your date? Think brownies, cookies, or anything else that sounds good. Or, you could even make a quick trip to the grocery store and pick up some ice cream to share.

Go to an Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition

If you and your date are into art, why not hit up an art opening or a gallery? It’s a cool way to see how your date sees the world and how they handle new social settings, according to Comaroto. Plus, during the exhibition, you’ll have plenty to talk about with all the art around, so the conversation will likely keep flowing and never get dull.

Join Sex Education Class

Join Sex Education Class

Did you guys connect on FetLife, Feeld, or another app that’s all about bringing together people who are open about sex? Fleming asks, “Are you both searching for something more on the sexy side?” If that’s a yes, you might think about taking a sex ed class together. Make sure to look up both in-person and online options to find what suits you best.

Try Out Each Other’s Hobbies

This idea gives you two first dates in one! Each of you gets an hour to share your favorite hobby or something you love doing outside of work. It could be anything from learning how to roller skate, trying out a DIY project, brewing beer, tasting wine, doing yoga, riding bikes, taking photos, watching movies, or playing board games – there are so many possibilities. Halfway through the date, you switch, so both of you get the chance to learn about what the other enjoys. It’s a fun way to see what excites the other person.

Go to The Zoo 

There’s probably a zoo or a petting zoo close to your home, whether it’s a city farm or a safari park. It’s a super fun and adorable date idea that you can get creative with. How about coming up with new names for all the animals, using the names of people you know? Or, you could have a contest to see who can imitate animal sounds the best. The winner gets treated to ice cream.

Picnic at The Park 

Picnic at The Park

Having a picnic is one of my favorite date ideas because it’s more laid-back and cozy than going to a restaurant. Being outside in nature makes everything feel calm and relaxed, which is perfect for a first date. I suggest making it a potluck, where both you and your date bring some snacks and drinks to share. To add a bit of fun, you could also bring along some board games.

Final Words From Loveable 

These first date ideas are all about having a good time and getting to know each other, whether you’re up for something thrilling or prefer to keep things mellow. Choose something that both of you will enjoy, and let the fun of exploring new experiences together bring you closer. The most important part? Have fun, and let the conversation flow!

Luna Miller

I’m Luna Miller, a helpful employee at Loveable. I excel at giving great advice on birthday gifts. I love suggesting memorable experiences like concerts, spas, and getaways. As a reliable and supportive colleague, I’m always there to assist.

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