81 Funny Mother’s Day Jokes, Riddles, and Puns to Make Her Laugh All Day
Mothers are like superheroes, no doubt about it. They keep a smile on their faces (for the most part) while juggling jobs, kids, and piles of laundry that rival Everest. However, even superheroes require moments of humor!
This Mother’s Day, ditch the boring greeting cards and burnt breakfast attempts. Instead, unleash the laughter with our arsenal of funny Mother’s Day jokes, riddles, and puns! We’re talking groan-worthy puns that’ll have her rolling her eyes, one-liners that’ll make her snort out her coffee, and riddles that’ll challenge her brain… well, maybe just a little.
So, browse through our collection, find the perfect pick to tickle her funny bone, and get ready to celebrate Mom in the most hilarious way possible. After all, laughter is the best medicine!
Funny Mother’s Day Jokes

1. Why did the phone shut down on Mother’s Day? It couldn’t handle all the requests for “Mom needs a nap!”
2. What’s the difference between a bouquet of flowers and a text from your child? The flowers won’t judge you for forgetting to call.
3. Why did the coffee mug win Mother’s Day for his cup? Because he was always there for her, hot or cold.
4. What do you call a mom who can braid hair in a moving car? A multi-tasking mane-iac.
5. A girl’s best friend, so the saying goes, is a diamond. However, if given five minutes to clean the kitchen counter, most mothers would be satisfied.
6. What do you get when you cross a yoga instructor and a mom? Someone who can fold a fitted sheet in under two seconds.
7. “Mom, can I have a cookie?” “Let me check the fortune cookie first and see if it says ‘spoil your child.'”
8. “Where did you learn to be so patient, Mom?” “Years of waiting for you to clean your room.”
9. A balanced diet for a mom is having all the food groups represented on her plate… once the kids are finished eating.
10. Why did the Mom joke cross the internet? To get to the other side… and get reposted a million times. (But we love them anyway!)
11. What’s the best thing about being a mom? You get to be the embarrassing one now, not your kids!
12. “Mom, I made the honor roll!” “That’s fantastic, honey! Now go fold that laundry mountain that somehow appeared while you were studying.”
13. I love that moms can tell you everything is fine with just a look that says, “We need to talk… later.”
14. Why did the Mom-ster have to go to bed early? Because she had a case of the “I’m-too-tired-to-deal-with-this-anymore” blues.
15. “Hey honey, remind me to buy a Mother’s Day gift for Mom…” (Mom walks in) “Don’t worry, honey, I already got myself something nice.”
16. What’s the difference between a superhero and a mom? A cape looks way cooler than a minivan.
17. They say laughter is the best medicine, but moms seem to survive mostly on coffee and willpower.
18. “Mom, how do you know so much?” “Because, honey, I Googled everything before you were born.”
19. “Can I have some ice cream, Mom?” “Sure, but first, let’s brainstorm some creative uses for leftover broccoli.”
20. I’m not saying moms are mind readers, but they can definitely tell when you’re lying about finishing your homework… from another room.
Mother’s Day Animal Jokes

1. Why did the mommy octopus win Mother’s Day at the school fair? Because she had eight outstanding arms!
2. What did the baby kangaroo say to his stressed-out mom? “Relax, pouch potato!”
3. Why did the mommy penguin need a vacation? She was feeling a little flippered out!
4. What did the baby sloth say to his mom on Mother’s Day? “Thanks for always hanging in there for me!”
5. What did the mommy spider say to her messy web-dwelling children? “Clean up your webs, you little arachnids!”
6. Why did the mommy bat need a nap? Because she’d been up all night bat-tling her kids.
7. What did the mommy cheetah get for Mother’s Day? A brand new “world’s fastest mom” mug.
8. Why did the mommy cat want to go bowling on Mother’s Day? Because she was an alley cat.
9. What did the baby zebra ask his mom? “Why are our stripes black and white?” Mom replied, “Because if they were any other color, we’d be called ‘horse crossings.'”
10. How did the polar bear open her Mother’s Day card? With her bear hands!
11. What did the momma say to the foal? “It’s pasture your bedtime!”
12. Why did the mommy lion need a break? She was feeling a little mane-iacal.
13. What did the baby chick say to his mom after he hatched? “Is this what it feels like to be yolked to responsibilities?”
14. What did the mommy parrot say to her children who wouldn’t stop squawking? “Give a tweet a break, will ya?”
15. What did the mommy firefly say to her children? “You glow so brightly, even without a Mother’s Day gift!”
16. Why did the mommy cow win the race at the farm fair? Because nobody udder-estimated her!
17. How do you keep little cows quiet so their mommy can sleep late on Mother’s Day? Use the moooooote button!
18. Q: What did mommy spider say to baby spider?
A: You spend too much time on the web.
19. What did the mommy sloth get her kids for Mother’s Day? Absolutely nothing because sloths are slow even at gift-giving.
20. Why did the mommy kangaroo take her kids to the beach? Because they were feeling pouch and they needed some sand!
Funny Mother’s Day Food Jokes

1. Why did the cookie cry? Because his mother was a wafer so long!
2. What did the baby strawberry say to his mom? “Where’d all the leaves go?” Mom replied, “They went to make jam!”
3. Why did the breakfast burrito call his mom? Because he was feeling a little scrambled!
4. What did the mom yell when she opened the fridge for leftovers? “Eggxactly what I expected… nothing!”
5. What do you call a mom who’s a master chef? A whisk-er away from genius!
6. The banana visited a doctor, but why? It was a real pain to peel!
7. A balanced diet for a mom is having all the food groups represented on her plate… once the kids are finished eating.
8. What did the popcorn say to its worried mom before the movie? “Relax, Ma, I’ll kernel be fine!”
9. Let’s taco ’bout how amazing moms are! They deserve a fiesta of appreciation this Mother’s Day.
10. I love you a brunch! You’re the waffle of my life, Mom. Here’s to a day filled with pancakes, laughter, and lots of love.
Romantic Mother’s Day Flower Jokes

1. Why did the florist get arrested on Mother’s Day? Because he was caught rose-selling!
2. What did the flower whisper to the bee on Mother’s Day? “Thanks for always buzzing by!”
3. If moms were flowers, I’d pick you, Mom. You’re the most mum-believable!
4. What do you call forgetful kids who wait until the last minute to buy flowers for Mom? Pansies!
5. What did the sun say to the rose on Mother’s Day? “You’re radiant, just like Mom!”
6. Why did the cactus win the Mother’s Day flower contest? Because he was outstanding in his field!
7. “Mom, can I borrow some money to buy you flowers?” “Sure, honey, but remember, the best things in life are free… like hugs!”
8. I tried to explain flower puns to Mom, but she didn’t get it. It seems like a heritable condition. (Don’t worry, she still gets a hug!)
9. They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but moms would probably settle for a bouquet that doesn’t need watering.
10. A balanced diet for a gardener on Mother’s Day? One rose and a whole lot of chocolates!
Mother’s Day Riddles

1. I wake you up with a gentle nudge, but have no hands to touch. I remind you of deadlines and the school lunch you clutch. What am I?
… Mom’s morning voice (or alarm clock!)
2. I’m a never-ending buffet, a bottomless well. From scraped knees to hungry tummies, my love always compels me. What am I?
… A mother’s hug
3. I have a thousand eyes, watching over you day and night. Though sometimes they seem closed, they never lose sight. What am I?
… A mother’s intuition
4. I hold stories whispered and secrets untold, a safe haven for dreams, both young and old. What am I?
… A mother’s listening ear
5. I come in waves, big and small, sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle for all. Though they may crash down, their love is the wall. What am I?
… A mother’s emotions
6. I’m a tangled mess of mismatched socks and forgotten toys. But through the chaos, a love that deploys. What am I?
… A mother’s laundry basket
7. I’m filled with endless questions, “Why?” and “How?” Sometimes frustrating, but a love that somehow Grows with each inquiry, a curious vow. What am I?
… A child (a trick question for the kids!)
8. I disappear with time, fleeting and fast. From sleepless nights to milestones surpassed, They’re treasures I hold, a love meant to last. What am I?
… A mother’s childhood memories (of you!)
9. I may not always have the answers you seek, But I’ll guide you with love, my voice ever meek. Through triumphs and stumbles, a bond that won’t creak. Who am I?
… Your mom
10. I may not be a superhero with a cape, But I’ll fight for you always, with unwavering drape. My love is your shield, a love that won’t escape. Who am I?
… Your mom
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More Mother’s Day Puns

1. Mom, you’re the apple of my eye… and probably the reason the dentist keeps seeing me!
2. You put up with so much, you must be a real trooper. Happy Mother’s Day to the most egg-cellent mom around!
3. Thanks for always believing in me, even when I felt like a total chicken. You’re the best yolk I could’ve cracked!
4. You’re one in a melon, Mom! Thanks for all the sweet memories and endless love.
5. I’m so grateful for you, Mom. You’re the frosting on my cake, the cheese to my macaroni, and the butter on my toast… basically, you make everything better!
6. This Mother’s Day, let’s taco ’bout how amazing you are! You deserve a fiesta of appreciation.
7. They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but moms would probably settle for a kitchen that cleans itself… or at least a dishwasher that doesn’t judge.
8. I mustache you a question, Mom. How do you do it all? You’re one super mom with serious superpowers!
9. They say laughter is the best medicine, but moms seem to survive mostly on coffee and willpower. Here’s to you, Mom!
10. I love you a latte, Mom! You’re the most brew-tiful woman I know. Here’s to a relaxing and cup-of-tea kind of Mother’s Day.
Check Out some funny gifts:
Last Words From Loveable,
So there you have it! 81 rib-tickling jokes, mind-bending riddles, and groan-worthy puns to make Mom laugh out loud this Mother’s Day. From breakfast puns to animal antics, we’ve got something for every mom’s funny bone. So, grab a bouquet, and get ready to celebrate Mom with laughter that will last all day long!
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