Screen Time Management: Tips and Things You Need to Know
We have phones in our pockets, iPads on our nightstands, computers at the office and school, and a limitless number of high-quality TV and movies available whenever and wherever we want them. With so many digital distractions, it’s no surprise that the amount of time both kids and parents spend on screens is taking up an increasing portion of our days.
Even though we all know that too much screen time is hazardous for our mental, physical, and emotional health, most families today struggle to limit their screen time. Finding a good screen time management approach, though, may be easier than you think.
How Many Hours of Screen Time Is Healthy?

There are clear rules for how much screen time children should have. But what about how much screen time adults should have? There is no ideal number of hours for adults to spend watching screens. But there is strong evidence that doing so can be bad for your health.
For example, one study discovered that people who spent six hours or more per day watching screens were at a higher risk of depression. And another study discovered that restricting social media use to 30 minutes per day resulted in a “significant improvement in well-being.” The type and quality of screen time are also factors.
Adults should limit their screen usage outside of work to no more than two hours each day, according to experts. Any time you would typically spend watching television or using a computer should be used to engage in physical activity. This may not be practical right away. But there is still much that people can do to try to lessen this.
What Is The Average Amount Of Time An Adult Spends On Screen Time?
Many of us work long hours in front of computers, and the majority of our free time is spent watching television, scrolling through social media on phones, and reading articles on tablets. This is especially true during pandemics when most of our social interactions take place online.
In the US, adults used their screens an average of 11 hours each day just a few years ago. This amount has increased dramatically since the lockdown, reaching a startling 19 hours each day during the pandemic.
Do you want to know how much time you spend watching screens compared to the rest of the country? You could have an idea of how many hours a week you spend staring at a screen if your phone, computer, or tablet is configured to send you weekly screen time stats. A little over 30% of adults claim to be online “almost constantly.”
10 Screen Time Management Tips to Ensure a Good Health
Here are ten ideas to help your family control screen time.
1. Control Feeds On Social Networks

You’ll find that using social media is a lot more enjoyable once you recognize it’s acceptable to unfollow or mute accounts that make you cringe, clench your jaw, roll your eyes, or just feel meh.
You don’t have to worry about hurting someone’s feelings by unfollowing them on Facebook or muting them on social media sites like Twitter or Instagram (they won’t know). Follow just the accounts that are posting stuff that you actually enjoy or find valuable.
2. Maintain High Concentration

Throughout the day, our concentration is diverted in a number of manners. And the options on our gadgets may only serve to increase this. Your attention is diverted if you are watching TV while concurrently using your phone, tablet, or computer to browse the internet. Do you think that was a good use of time?
Think about using one screen or one activity at a time. It’s a good idea to know exactly what you’re doing before using your computer or another gadget. Go ahead and spend an hour checking social media while curled up on the couch with a cup of tea if that’s what you want to do because it will make you feel good.
If you’re looking for a recipe and come across an intriguing headline or something else that piques your curiosity, resist clicking — and clicking again and again. If you’re pushed for time, write down what attracted your interest and save it for later. You can use old-fashioned paper and pen, or pin it to a “save it for later” Pinterest board, write it down on a notes app, or save it as a draft email to read later).
3. Say No To Technology During Mealtime
You might make it a rule in your household that no electronics are allowed at the table. Do you live alone? The same principle applies. To fight temptation, set it to quiet mode. Apply this rule to having lunch in front of your computer as well. Try to plan your day so that you can eat without being distracted.
4. Create A Family Technology Time Plan

Although it is the job of the parents to set limitations for their children, if the children feel that they have a say in the matter, they will be more willing to abide by the limits. Call a family meeting to discuss your worries about screen usage. And enlist the aid of your children in creating a family media usage plan that outlines the house’s rules about screens.
The American Academy of Pediatrics online media time calculator, which generates a graphic summary of how much time your family spends on screens in relation to other daily responsibilities, is one resource that could be useful.
5. Use Screen Time For Healthy Educational, Learning, And Entertainment Purposes

But what if we told you that you can use screen time for healthy educational, learning, and entertainment purposes?
Yes, you heard it right! With the advent of educational apps, online courses, and informative podcasts, screen time can be utilized to enhance our knowledge and skills. Moreover, it can also be used for entertainment purposes, such as streaming movies, music, and TV shows that can help relieve stress and anxiety.
Not all screen time is harmful. Encourage kids to FaceTime distant family members, make home movies or animations, learn more about topics that interest them, or gain ideas for hobbies, crafts, or other things to do with their gadgets.
So, instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media, let’s make the most of our screen time by using it for positive and productive activities.
6. Turn Off Your Phone An Hour Before Bedtime

The temptation to scroll on their phone while lying in bed at night or right after waking up is all too common. Your sleep is disturbed, and your daily screen time may increase dramatically as a result. Use an alarm clock to get up every day. And every night, put your phone on a little table outside your bedroom door.
Moreover, some children may have problems going to sleep due to light and stimulation from screens. In order to ensure that kids go to bed on time and wake up feeling rested, screens should be turned off well before bedtime.
7. Use the Device Management App

You can implement screen time management using a variety of software tools. For instance, Kidslox was created to assist parents in controlling their family’s gadget usage by imposing screen time restrictions.
For another instance, the Forest app gives people the option to create a stunning forest every day; they refrain from using their phones for a predetermined period of time. The ‘Guided Access’ feature on the iPad restricts how long you may access a certain app, which can be wonderful for smaller kids.
8. Balance Between Other Activities Of The Day
It’s crucial to strike a balance between screen time and other pursuits. For instance, you may use your phone for 30 minutes, then take a stroll or read for 30 minutes.
When watching television or using a tablet, set a timer on your phone, in the microwave, or with an old-fashioned egg timer. Turn off the timer when it sounds, then make an effort to move your body by going for a walk, cleaning a room, or attempting an at-home workout.
9. Don’t Use Your Phone While Spending Time With Others

You can turn your phone to silent or airplane mode while you’re with friends or family so you can focus entirely on them. Also, try to avoid using it unless I’m shooting pictures.
Apps can send you notifications, which are messages that show up on your screen to inform you of new activity. This makes you pick up your phone and, more often than not, spend more time using it than just checking the notice.
10. Turn Off Unnecessary Notifications
Is it really necessary to receive an alert informing you that a high school classmate you haven’t seen since prom liked the sunset photo you uploaded on Facebook? You’ll be less likely to go for your phone if you only set notifications for reminders you actually need, like meetings and birthdays.
Related: Time Management Tips For Working Moms
5 Screen Time Management Strategies for Children
We’ve developed five easy tips to help parents and kids manage children’s screen time so they can get the most out of their time online and offline. Our goal is to help parents and kids make the most of the time they spend online.
1. You Should Set A Good Example For The Children First

You’ll likely be the behavior model for your children, so if you start reading a book, they might do the same.
It’s important to lead by example. If you want your child to have screen-free time, it’s important to model this behavior yourself. This means putting away your own devices during designated screen-free times and engaging in other activities with your child.
2. Agree On Children’s Daily Phone Time
Before the session of screen time begins, set your child’s expectations for it. You may tell them to watch one program or watch till bath time.
It’s important to communicate with your child about the importance of screen-free time. Help them understand the benefits of taking a break from screens and the negative effects that too much screen time can have on their mental and physical health.
3. Create ‘Screen Free’ Zones

It’s easy for kids to get lost in the virtual world. But it’s important for them to have a break from their devices and engage in other activities.
Creating screen-free time for children can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. First, it’s essential to set boundaries and limits. This can be in the form of a schedule that outlines specific times when screens are allowed and when they are not. It’s important to stick to this schedule and not make exceptions, as this can lead to confusion and inconsistency.
Creating screen-free time for children is essential for their well-being and development. By setting boundaries, providing alternative activities, modeling the behavior yourself, and communicating with your child, you can help them find a healthy balance between technology and other activities.
4. Punishment
Your youngster may occasionally ignore the rules you’ve established. For instance, your kid might play with the tablet without your permission. You and your child can talk about and decide on some consequences for these instances. As an example, if they use the iPad without asking, they can lose access to it for a day.
5. Find Screen Time Alternatives For Children

Does it ever seem like the entire house is ruled by screens? They are not necessary. Kids find it challenging to put down digital devices and screens since they are entertaining and interesting. Because of this, they often need encouragement to leave the house so they can engage in screen-free activities.
Even while screen time is increasing in many households, there are still a ton of offline activities that families and individuals may participate in.
It’s important to provide alternative activities for children to do during their screen-free time. This can include things like reading, drawing, playing outside, or engaging in a hobby or sport. It’s important to find activities that your child enjoys and encourage them to pursue them during their screen-free time.
Parents should encourage their children to make a list of possible activities, such as playing board games, growing a small garden, trying a new recipe, etc. Many children are unaware of the role boredom can play in fostering imagination. Kids frequently devise inventive ways to pass the time when they are bored. Their horizons and ability for thought are expanded by it.
Related: Raising Responsible Kids: 13 Chores for Kids to Tackle
Bottom Line
Screen time has become an integral part of our lives, especially in the current scenario where technology is dominating every aspect of our routine. However, it is often criticized for its negative impact on our health and well-being. So, you should make sure to manage it well.
Screen time management is a skill that can be developed with commitment, consistency, and careful preparation. It doesn’t happen magically overnight, though. Engaging the entire family in the process can strengthen relationships and ease conflict while also bringing everyone closer together.
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