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28 Best Third Date Ideas to Keep the Spark Alive

Going on a third date is a special moment because it means you and your date are starting to click. It’s a chance to do something fun and memorable that can help your budding relationship grow even stronger. 

By the time you hit date three, you’re usually feeling more comfortable with each other. You’ve shared some laughs, exchanged stories, and are getting a feel for what you both like. So, picking out something fun for the third date doesn’t have to be as stressful as the first couple of times you met. It’s still key to choose an activity that keeps things interesting and helps you bond even more.

Don’t stress too much about making the perfect choice. Just be yourself and focus on having a good time together. To give you a head start, we’ve rounded up 28 awesome third-date ideas for you to check out! Check out best gifts for couples who have everything.

Good Ideas For a Third Date 

Visit an Interactive Museum

Visit an Interactive Museum

When you’re on your third date, you’ve probably already gone through the basic “get to know you” stuff. How about doing something more fun than sitting around a restaurant or bar? Why not check out an interactive museum? You can find these in lots of cities, and they’re a great way to have a good time together for a few hours.

Go To a Craft Fair

Go To a Craft Fair

Going to a craft fair is a great date idea, especially if you’re a bit older or really into making things. Just make sure your date likes crafting, too, or they might get bored really fast and want to stay out. If there’s no craft fair happening, try finding a craft class you can go to together.

Dancing Together

Going dancing on your third date is a fantastic idea, but only if you’re both cool with it. Dancing is all about romance and that spark between two people, so if you’re both having a blast on the dance floor, chances are you’ll have a great time in other places, too, if you catch my drift!

Go To a Sport Event 

Go To a Sport Event 

Going to a sports game is way more thrilling than visiting a museum, thanks to the lively crowd, tasty snacks, and drinks. Even if you’re not totally up on all the rules, it’s easy to get the hang of most sports as you watch. If you’re into sports date, having your date cheer along with you can be super attractive. It shows that enjoying games together could become a fun part of your regular hangouts.

Rooftop Date

If you’re aiming for something romantic and cozy, how about a date on your rooftop or balcony? If you’ve got a space like that, it’s perfect for trying this out.

To spice it up, string up some lights and throw in a few decorations to set the mood. You could even cook together, then sit under the stars for a chat. Put on some soft music in the background, and if the mood strikes, switch it to something you can dance to.

Visit a New Place (City or Town)

Have a lovely date night by wandering around the city, taking in the pretty lights and sights while you walk close together. Or, you could walk through town in the daytime, pop into a coffee shop, or grab something to eat. It’s quiet and peaceful to spend time together, perfect for chatting and getting to know each other without loud distractions.

Weekend Getaway 

Weekend Getaway 

Everyone enjoys a little getaway, so how about spending a weekend together? But keep it light. If you’ve just met them or only hung out a few times, they might not be up for a secluded cabin stay or a trip across the globe. Opting for a short trip to a nearby city and staying in a nice hotel can be a good middle ground. It keeps things comfortable while adding a bit of excitement to your growing relationship.

Romantic Third Date Ideas For Couples

Outdoor Picnic And Watch Sunset Together

Outdoor Picnic And Watch Sunset Together

A picnic is a sweet and budget-friendly way to enjoy a romantic dinner. It’s perfect for first dates, but a picnic at sunset? That’s a special twist for an amazing third date.

To make it even better, prepare some food for your date. You can ask them to bring their favorite dessert too. Remember a bottle of wine to round out your picnic basket. Then, relax and enjoy the sunset together. It’s a great way to spend time with each other.

Go on a Food Tour 

Tired of eating at the same places? Spice things up by exploring food tours close to home. Who knows? You might stumble upon a perfect spot for your next anniversary dinner. And it doesn’t matter where you are – big cities like Boston and NYC have them, but so do many smaller towns! If you and your lover are true foodies, this will be a great date idea for you

Wine Tasting Together

Wine Tasting Together

A wine tasting date is a fantastic idea for a third date, and it’s sure to be a lot of fun. It’s a chance to try different wines and learn about all the effort that goes into making them, whether you’re into Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, or maybe Merlot. If you need to decide which type of wine you like best, this is the perfect opportunity to discover your favorite. Plus, you might find out what wine to pick for your next date!

Simple Third Date: Get To Know Each Other 

Having a date at home is naturally cozier since it’s just the two of you. To make your third date even more special, try to really learn about each other. A fun way to do this is by playing games like Trivia or Truth Or Dare. These games can help you ask deep questions without the stress of thinking them up on your own.

Take Each Other Portrait 

Take Each Other Portrait 

You don’t need fancy cameras to snap awesome pictures these days, but hey, if you’ve got one, that’s a bonus. Your phone will do just fine, too. Pick a cool spot and have fun taking photos of each other. It’s a great idea for a third date, and you’ll end up with some fun shots to share on social media.

Paint And Sip

For creative types, a paint-and-sip class is a fantastic third-date idea. You sign up, and they give you wine, art supplies, and guidance from a real artist. It’s all about having a good time and making your own art piece while you sip on some wine.

The cool part about these classes is that you don’t have to be an art pro. It’s totally fine if your painting could be better. You can laugh it off and even show it off as a fun memory!

Fun Third Date Ideas For Couples 

Karaoke Night 

Karaoke Night 

If you want something quieter than a night of comedy, why not go to an open mic night? You’ll get to hear some cool monologues, beautiful poetry, and crazy stories. And if you’re feeling brave, you could even get up on stage and try it out yourself. You never know; doing something like that could be the thing that really impresses your date.

Go To a Theme Park

If you love a thrill, a theme park is an awesome spot for a day date. Ride all the rides, eat loads of snacks, and enjoy having someone fun to talk to while you wait in lines. Make it even more romantic by trying to win each other prizes like stuffed animals or hats at the game booths.

Escape Room 

Escape Room 

Competing can be fun and bring you closer, but teaming up is also awesome. In an escape room, you’ll join forces to solve puzzles and win the game. Escape rooms are popular, so you’ll likely find one nearby. Pick one with a theme you both like and get set to tackle the challenge together.

Play Pinball

Whether you’re playing paintball with a bunch of friends or just the two of you, it’s going to show you a whole new side of your date. If they’re into sports and games, love a bit of competition, and get a thrill from adrenaline, then paintball is a fantastic pick.

Instead of doing the usual date stuff and asking about what they like or don’t like, why not mix it up with some gaming?

Do Volunteer Together 

Do Volunteer Together 

Volunteering together on a third date is a great way to show your caring side. It’s perfect for anyone who enjoys helping out in the community. Choose a volunteer activity that both of you are into. For instance, if you both love nature, you could clean up trash on nearby trails. After volunteering, grab dinner and share your thoughts on the experience. It’s a meaningful way to connect and learn more about each other.

Take a Road Trip 

Starting off with a big trip might not be the best idea yet, but a short road trip? Totally doable. Jump in the car and head out for a day trip somewhere new, away from the usual spots. Finding new places to eat and cool things to see can be a fun way to get to know each other better. Plus, you’ll get to see what kind of music you both like to listen to on the road.

Indoor Rock Climbing

Indoor Rock Climbing

Try out indoor rock climbing together at one of the many gyms that are opening up everywhere. You can take turns holding the rope for each other, or if you’re feeling brave, try climbing without ropes on a bouldering wall that suits your skill level. It’s great to see how well you work together, testing your teamwork, strength, and how you communicate as you guide each other.

Play Bowling 

Bowling is a blast, even if you’re not exactly a pro. It’s all about having a good time, teasing each other, and just enjoying the moment without getting upset. That’s the real beauty of bowling. This is a fun, laid-back third date where nobody’s judging; that’s why you should go bowling and have some drinks. This way, you can both be yourselves, more so than on a stiff first date where you’re just sitting around asking questions.

Thrift Store Challenge

Thrift Store Challenge

This is a super fun activity for couples, especially if you’re trying to save money. Head to a nearby thrift store and dare each other to pick out an outfit for the other. You can make it more interesting by setting themes like “the silliest outfit” or “date night outfit.” Make sure to find a top, a bottom (or a dress), and at least one accessory. For extra laughs, wear these outfits for a dinner date afterwards!

Visit Arcade Bar

Going to an arcade bar is a super fun and laid-back idea for a third date, especially if you need more time to be ready for something more serious. It’s another chance to enjoy a little friendly competition. Plus, arcade bars usually offer snacks and drinks, so when you’ve had your fill of games, you can grab a bite or a drink and have a nice chat with your date.

Exercise Together 

Exercise Together 

Kick things up a notch by signing up for a fitness class together on your third date. It’s a great way to get those hearts beating fast, not just from the exercise but from the excitement of trying something new together. You two can do anything: spinning, yoga, or Pilates; sweating it out side by side can be a fun way to test the chemistry between you two. Also, tackling a workout together might show you how well you sync up in other areas, too.

Go To a Random Local Museum 

This is a cool third-date idea if you’re not really into sports or intense activities but still want a bit of adventure. Grab a local newspaper and look up what’s happening around town. Choose an event you know nothing about, and make that your next date.

To add a twist, close your eyes and pick an event by pointing at one randomly. As long as it’s within your budget, that’s what you’re going to do. You might find something really fun and interesting!

Go To a Comedy Show Or Comedy Club

Comedy Club

If you want a date that’s sure to make you both laugh, hitting up a comedy club is a great idea. You’ll spend the evening cracking up together, which is a fun way to start sharing some inside jokes. Plus, it’s a good chance to see what each other finds funny.

Why Does the Third Date Matter?

The third date often feels like a make-or-break moment in a budding relationship because it’s when you start to move past the initial awkwardness and surface-level chats of the first couple of dates. By the third date, you’re both likely to feel more comfortable and open to exploring deeper connections. It’s like the point where you’ve tested the waters, and now you’re ready to dive in. This date gives you both a chance to really see if there’s potential for something long-term beyond just the initial attraction.

Moreover, the third date is crucial because it sets the stage for a more authentic relationship. It’s an opportunity to share more about your lives, your values, and your dreams. It’s not just about having fun together (though that’s important, too); it’s about figuring out if you’re compatible on a deeper level. Think of it as the bridge between “just dating” and moving towards a more serious relationship. It’s when you start to see each other as potential partners, not just someone to fill your Friday night.

Third Date Ideas FAQs

# 1. What’s a good third-date idea that won’t break the bank?

A: Going for a picnic is a sweet and affordable option. Just pack some homemade sandwiches, a couple of snacks, and a blanket. It’s about spending quality time together at a local park or by the water. It’s simple and personal, and you can enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed setting. Plus, it’s a great way to enjoy a beautiful day outside!

#2. How can we make our third date more exciting?

A: Try something that gets your adrenaline pumping! How about a day at a theme park, or if you’re up for a challenge, tackle an escape room together. These activities are not only thrilling but also give you a chance to work together and see how well you vibe when facing challenges.

# 3. What’s a unique third date idea to really get to know each other?

A: How about a night of stargazing? Grab a blanket and some cozy pillows, and head to a spot with a clear view of the sky. You can even download a stargazing app to help you spot constellations. It’s a quiet, intimate setting perfect for deep conversations and sharing dreams under the stars.

# 4. Do you have any suggestions for a third date for creative types?

A: Definitely consider a paint and sip class. It’s a fun way to get your creative juices flowing while enjoying a glass of wine. You don’t have to be Picasso to have a good time, and it’s a great way to share laughs over each other’s masterpieces. Plus, you get a keepsake to remember the date!

# 5. What if we’re both really competitive? Any third date ideas?

A: Hit up an arcade bar or a bowling alley! These places are perfect for friendly competition. You can challenge each other in different games, it’s a great way to add some playful tension to the date. Plus, there’s usually food and drinks, so you can relax and chat between games.

Final Words From Loveable, 

Third dates are super special because they let you really strengthen the bond you’ve begun to form with your date. It’s not just about hanging out again; it’s your chance to really get to know each other better, laugh more, and find out what you both love doing together. You could go for an exciting little road trip, try out a fun paint-and-sip class, or keep it cozy with dinner on a rooftop. The most important thing is picking activities that encourage you two to open up more and really click.

Luna Miller

I’m Luna Miller, a helpful employee at Loveable. I excel at giving great advice on birthday gifts. I love suggesting memorable experiences like concerts, spas, and getaways. As a reliable and supportive colleague, I’m always there to assist.

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