Why Do Men Cheat? 20 Possible Reasons + Advices
Infidelity can be a painful and complex issue in any relationship. While both men and women can be unfaithful, men are often the ones who are more commonly associated with cheating. Current data suggests that men are more inclined to cheat than women; 20% of men have acknowledged cheating, while only 13% of women have done so. But what drives men to cheat in the first place? There is a multitude of reasons why men cheat, from a lack of emotional intimacy to boredom or even a desire for power. In this article, we’ll explore 10 possible reasons why men cheat and provide some advice on how to address the issue if it arises in your relationship.
Interesting Facts About Men Cheating

Every man is a cheater. This is the generalization most of us, especially women, make. Guys have commitment concerns, are easily tempted, and lack trustworthiness. Many factors, including the man’s environment, his motivations, his sexual preferences, and so on, can contribute to his infidelity.
Do you think it’s cheating if your husband regularly uses the excuse “I have to work” to explain his absence from the house, or if you find your boyfriend perusing online dating profiles and he seems interested in more than one woman?
On average, men cheat, but it’s not every man. Also, generalizing about men as a whole would be grossly unjust. Each and every one of us has a deep need to satisfy our own desires, and that includes the ladies in our lives. Although the data shows that men are more prone to cheat than women, it by no means proves that all men are dishonest. This is not necessarily due to a lack of affection for their partners.
10 Signs Of A Man Who Is Cheating
Dating less often than before
Do you ever wonder why you aren’t getting as many social invitations as before? This is another evidence that he may be cheating. Any shift in the emotion between partners will be obvious, so pay attention to how often you spend together.
Talk about how your relationship will end whenever you fight or argue.

Your partner sounds pessimistic about the future of your relationship, asking you questions such as, “What would you do if our relationship ended?” or promising unconditional friendship in the event of a breakup. These expressions could indicate that he or she already has a backup plan in case your relationship fails. Be wary of a spouse who frequently makes such claims.
He makes excuses to argue with you
Meaningful conflict can bring you closer together, but fighting just to fight will only drive you apart. Maybe he’s comparing you to someone else, which is making you feel insecure, or he’s making up a problem out of thin air because of what’s going on with him behind the scenes. If he has mood swings and lashes out for no reason, this could mean he is having trouble with other people, like having an affair.
He makes excuses to go out more

At first, it was enough for both of you just to be together. Now that he spends more time with his “friends,” you’re getting less of his attention. He no longer cares as much about you, and he starts to look elsewhere or is already interested in someone else. He might say he’s with friends when he’s really with someone else. In the end, spending less time with you changes the way we feel about each other.
He Accuses You of Cheating
Someone who is feeling terrible about their own actions may project those feelings onto the other person, accusing them of the same behavior. If this happens, your partner may accuse you of cheating, even if they have no evidence to support such a claim.
He hardly discusses his life outside the home.

Given that guy who has affairs have a lot of fishy things going on in their lives, they have little to reveal since they know that the more they say, the more they will be caught up in their web of lies. Thus, rather than making up stories, they opt to remain mute.
Sexually Unsatisfied
It’s normal for the number of times you have sex with your spouse to change over time. But research has also found a link between showing too little or too much interest in sexual activity and cheating in romantic relationships. These signs could mean that your partner is having an affair:
- Your relationship is a lot less close and connected than it used to be.
- You find out you have an STD even though you haven’t done anything wrong.
- Your sexual life is so bad that it’s almost nonexistent.
He becomes very moody.

When leaving you, he or she seems happy and excited, but when they’re with you, they seem sad and down. If your partner is having an affair with someone else for a long time, he or she will try to keep both relationships going well. Any problems that the cheater has in one relationship can also happen in the other. This will happen.
He leaves the door close when you are around

Let’s take the bathroom-door rule as an example: In committed relationships, it’s not uncommon for partners to leave the bathroom door ajar while taking care of business, even if their significant other is within earshot. However, when infidelity creeps in, the cheating partner may start shutting the door, creating a divide that goes beyond mere physical boundaries, causing emotional distance as well.
If he suddenly starts caring about his appearance for no other reasons

It’s natural to want to present your best self to a new significant other. Your man’s newfound interest in his physical appearance may not be motivated by his feelings for you. He might be attempting to get in shape for another woman unless he has suddenly become resolved to run a marathon (which he would definitely tell you about).
Related: How to Get Over A Guy: 13 Effective Ways to Help You Feel Better
20 Possible Reasons Why Men Cheat Their Partner
They look for a deeper connection
Contrary to what gender stereotypes might have us believe about males, there are other motivations for infidelity besides physical attraction. Men are far less likely to have a good social support system in the form of close male friends. There are times when he could use the empathy and understanding of another woman in his life. It often starts as a friendship, maybe a woman coworker, who starts to make him feel better about himself, and so an emotional connection is formed.
Love fades away
One common reason why men cheat is falling out of love with their partners. In the early stages of a romantic relationship, even a simple text message from the person you’re crushing on can trigger intense feelings of passion, excitement, and even dopamine rushes. But sadly, it won’t last forever.
When the emotional connection between partners begins to fade, some men may seek out validation and affection from someone else. While it’s important to address issues in the relationship, cheating is not a solution and can cause further harm to both partners.
Sometimes cheating is due to sexual addiction

Sex addiction can be a root cause of men cheating on their partners. While not officially recognized as a mental disorder, sex addiction is characterized by compulsive and uncontrollable sexual behavior that can have negative consequences on the individual’s personal and professional life. When left unchecked, it can lead to infidelity and damage to the relationship. Seeking professional help and support groups can aid in managing and overcoming sex addiction and rebuilding trust with one’s partner.
Your man may still be immature
Male infidelity is often rooted in a lack of emotional development. As a culture, we have conditioned men to keep their feelings to themselves. By the time a man has an affair, he and his partner have been having problems for some time and have been unable to communicate effectively about them. Poor decision-making, a lack of willpower, a lack of self-control, and general immaturity are often at the root of the problem.
Men cheat when their partners are not by their side

If a man or woman’s relationship isn’t available, they may resort to infidelity.
When a couple experiences loss or fertility issues during their reproductive journey, they are both at risk, especially if their paths to mourning separate for extended periods of time.
Lack of Intimacy
Intimacy requirements in a relationship are often neglected when one or both partners are busy. Many people stay in unhappy relationships because they often hope things will improve other than fulfilling them.
Yet, if one’s wants aren’t being satisfied, it might lead to frustration, which can then lead to the escalation of the problem. As a result, this may serve as a spur to action in finding alternative means of gratification. If one or both partners spend a lot of time away from home, or if the partners just have different sex drives, this can lead to a lack of intimacy and, consequently, unmet sexual demands.
Cheating due to men’s ego
There are certain males, we think, who cheat to boost their own self-esteem. To be liked and admired by others is a wonderful feeling, and this is true even beyond the marriage institution. Cheaters are drawn to other men who make them feel strong and desirable. Even though it’s tragic, this is the real reason men cheat.
They have mental health problems

Anxiety and depression can amplify the need for relief, and since relief often comes in the form of someone very attractive outside the relationship, they can contribute to impulsive behavior.
Men cheat because they think their partner is unhappy
In my view, men cheat because they have the desire to make their partners happy, and when they feel they are no longer succeeding in this endeavor, they may look for someone else to fulfill that need. While this behavior is wrong, it may stem from a genuine desire to please and provide for their significant other.
Your man faces commitment issues
Those who struggle with commitment may be more prone to infidelity. In addition, the term “commitment” has different connotations for different people. In a relationship, it’s conceivable for the two persons involved to have vastly different understandings about the nature of their connection. You can feel deeply for someone and still be hesitant to commit to them. It’s possible that the uncommitted partner will cheat in order to keep the relationship from getting serious.
Cheating is a result of the modern romantic ideal.

The reason guys cheat is that they are predisposed to do so by their fixation on the ideal of romance. It’s natural to miss the excitement, sexual arousal, and idealized closeness you felt at the beginning of your relationship when those feelings begin to wane. A person who has a firm grasp on the changing nature of love within a committed relationship is much less likely to cheat.
Cheating due to value, culture, avoidance
- Culture: If society, parents, or leaders in society see cheating as a good thing, we may stop seeing it as a bad thing to do.
- Value: If we think keeping a marriage together is important (other than in cases of abuse), we will be more willing to try new things that help keep the marriage together.
- Avoidance: Being afraid to look at our own actions and decisions. People who feel stuck or don’t know what to do are afraid of making a different choice.
They’re seeking validation.
Cheating can also be caused by feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem, especially if the person isn’t getting the validation they need in their own relationship. People may cheat on their partner if they don’t think their partner finds them attractive enough. Also, sexual problems like erectile dysfunction can make a person want to find someone new and exciting to show themselves that they are still sexually capable and potent.
He wants too many things at once

A man who has high standards and wants too many things at once is prone to cheating. Maybe you are a good woman, and you are doing everything to keep this relationship, but unfortunately, the cause is not on your side. Chances are it’s because the man you choose wants a better girl. He doesn’t appreciate his moral values but rather his ego. In this case, there is nothing wrong with you.
Cheating due to situational factors
The mere presence of a chance to cheat can increase the likelihood of adultery. Of course, this doesn’t imply that anybody who has the chance to cheat actually will. The desire to cheat is often (but not always) bolstered by additional variables.
Cheating due to relationships around you
All causes of cheating are due to dissatisfaction in the relationship. And if your loved ones and family tend to interfere too much in your love life, this can make your man uncomfortable. Also if you hang out with bad friends and tend to talk bad about husbands behind their backs. This may increase his chances of cheating.
He is not satisfied with his current sex life

Just like the case mentioned above, when your man is addicted to sex if you do not satisfy his sex life. He tends to cheat. There is a common belief that men need sex more than girls. In this case, you can see it’s true.
Related: 33 Sex Bucket List Ideas To Improve Your Sex Life
Revenge cheating.
Experts say that some people act out and cheat because they are angry, jealous, or want to get back at someone. Even if their partner hasn’t cheated on them, if they’ve done something to make their partner mad, like befriending another man, they’ll cheat to prove a point.
Your man has an unhappy past
Many people in the world suffer from personality disorders and violate moral standards because they have an unhappy past. They are the ones who witnessed their parents having an affair and then breaking up. They may also experience physical pain. These people often tend to hurt the people they love in the future. In other cases, it may also be because they have so lost faith in the person they love that they want to betray them first.
He has bad friends

Maybe your man isn’t as treacherous as you think he is, and he is. But when he plays with bad friends, that’s a whole different story. Who knows what men will do behind your back? These bad relationships always tend to encourage him to break up with you. They can also draw him into affairs that he doesn’t mean.
What Should I Do If My Man Cheating?
If you’ve discovered that your man is cheating on you, you may be feeling a range of emotions – anger, hurt, betrayal, and confusion. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but taking a deep breath and approaching the situation calmly and rationally is important. Here are some steps you can take to fix the situation
Confirm the cheating
Before you jump to conclusions or make any accusations, it’s important to confirm that your man is actually cheating on you. Look for concrete evidence, such as messages, emails, or phone calls, or observe any suspicious behavior. Once you have enough evidence to support your suspicions, confront him about the situation.

The next step is to have an open and honest conversation with your man. Express your feelings and ask him to do the same. Listen to each other’s perspectives and try to understand why the cheating happened. Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to repairing a broken trust.
Seek counseling
It’s not easy to fix a relationship after cheating has occurred. Seeking the help of a professional counselor can help you both navigate the complex emotions and work through the issues that led to the infidelity. A counselor can provide a safe and neutral space for you both to discuss your feelings and work towards healing the relationship.
Take time for self-care
Dealing with infidelity can be emotionally draining, so taking care of yourself during this time is important. Make sure you are getting enough rest, eating well, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Seek support from friends and family, and consider seeing a therapist to work through any lingering emotions.
Set boundaries
If you decide to work through the cheating and stay in the relationship, it’s important to set clear boundaries. Discuss what is and isn’t acceptable behavior in the relationship, and establish consequences for any future cheating. These boundaries can help you both regain trust and rebuild the relationship.
Bottom Line
Whether you are currently wondering why do men cheat or simply looking to strengthen your relationship, it’s important to prioritize honesty, understanding, and commitment in your interactions with your partner. With time, effort, and a willingness to learn and grow together, you can create a lasting, fulfilling relationship built on trust and love.
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